Our Coaching Approach
The coach and client relationship is sacred as it creates the container for exploring deep truths: the ones we are ready to part with, the ones we are stepping into and the ones yet to emerge. We believe humans gain a strong sense of fulfillment when they are doing work they love and that work is aligned with their highest values and purpose. Our approach is rooted in the following beliefs in service of the client:
Wisdom & Co-Activity: The wisdom lies with the client and we both co-create the relationship that allows for that deepest expression. I use an inquiry-based approach, using powerful questions to help reveal deeper truths.
Being & Doing: For a human to be in balance as a leader and in life, both the person they are “being” and the actions they are “doing” must be explored. How you are showing up and who you are is the “being” and the actions you are taking is the “doing.”
Purpose & Values: Amy uses inquiry, powerful questions and other tools to reveal purpose and values which creates the clarity for moving to action.
Safety & Courage: Amy creates an environment of safety and courage both of which are necessary to create a life and leadership approach that is in alignment with what you want.
Transformation & Trust: Amy uses everyday topics and agendas to point back to the bigger unfolding in your life and leadership. This way the bigger agenda of transformation is always at the core.
Exploration & Empowerment: Amy empowers her clients to ask the questions they are afraid to ask, may have asked but haven’t yet found the answer, or don’t even know they need to ask yet.